
Thursday, January 5, 2006 at 9:50 PM was so rush for me, firstly I had to wake up early in the morning perhaps not so early though and then have to go to work by bus. Then, I have to work until 6pm then had to take bus to home. Who knows it was going to rain before I reached my home, luckily I could reach it on time ^^ hehe...but it was quite exhausted for me because I jogged it to my home. So now I could type this blog and then expressed my feeling about today's incident. But tomorrow I have to work over time, but nevermind I would have overcome it hehe. So what about today??? I didnt think anything happened interestingly, but today quite rushed and a hectic day, I didnt know what and why but what I knew was......once again a normal day hehe...
So hope for a better tomorrow^^.



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