T for tired

Thursday, June 25, 2009 at 10:35 PM
Indeed, tired isnt nice to us,especially to me...the tired i mean now is some kind of mentally tired. Actually today i didnt make myself exhausted much, but during the afternoon, I just felt that my mental was drastically become so weak, perhaps i should name it sleepy, tired, and weak. I think I slept late at night and kept woke up late (which I don't like this kind of sleeping style). But it kept happening when I was at my room...hmm...my bed is better than hostel's bed??? LOLz...

Now, to curb the problem, I just need to move a step ahead to get things kick started that is sleep early... Actually ive read an article regarding getting a good sleep at night. Maybe some people can spend whole night didn't sleep but still can so energetic in the next morning but some cannot do so. But if you think that your body and mind not working so well during the day time, it means that you should try to think your time of having meal, what you are going to eat, and also bed time.

Hmm...kinda sleepy now, thats for all...goodnight^^


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