
Thursday, December 24, 2009 at 1:22 AM
A quiet night, indeed very quiet, a milieu that seldom exists
Tiredness, repetition, curiosity, courage, alteration are my companions lately
Nothing seems to be tremendously special nor meaningful
Just a step to push myself to an advanced level
Methods have to be right, thinking has to be wise
Both conjugated becoming a heady action.

After tired reforming relaxation
Repetition makes things better
Curiosity seeks for the very truth
Courage makes oneself stronger facing the mother nature
Alteration are the causes of forming life.

Gain lots of thoughts getting the new job, glad to have it although im keep whining about it. LOLz... goodnight ^^

1 Responses to -untitled-

  1. Akira 思胜 Says:

    Glad to see you gained a lots throughout the working experience! Though time is short, just appreciate it! :)

    Merry Christmas ya!!!

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