untitled - null - void - blank - WATCH~

Monday, March 16, 2009 at 5:43 PM
Sometimes, i felt nothing, i heard nothing, i see nothing, but i can imagine something. It is an ordinary or even routine task for my brain.

Sometimes, i felt that... even im not thinking anything, i would spend the whole day thinking that blank thing.

Sometimes, Im really ok, even my brain is working well, but then my instinct told me that "this is not ok la..."

Sometimes, little changes of yourself may change the whole thing within yourself. It can be good or even bad.

Sometimes, what i wrote here is eventually all bullshit. Because, i know myself more than you do. Because of this, I need to take care myself well before others.

Anyway, this is just my recent thoughts. Nothing to specify much, just that felt a bit confused,anxious,worry bla bla bla...

I wrote this entry now while my brain thinks nothing. But still the wording still came out from my heart but not my brain. Sometimes i felt kinda tired, not because of physically stress but also mentality stress. Im a worker or even follower and i wont be easily stress out, but if you wanna me think this think that, i would surrender... is it my brain spoiled jor???

Everyone in this earth owns their 24 hours time per day, fully utilized without wasting it surely make you a great day. But then...i wondered how much time ive used to make myself more and more??? Something called 'Laziness' found me and followed me, I want to leave it, but...bla bla bla...

I wore a watch lately, just a reminder for myself that time is precious and do let myself be in time for every event or activity but not on time. Watch is sometimes like a pulse, secondary artificial pulse that make you have the sense of time. Although im not having an expensive well known watch but my watch which is analog, "ticks, ticks, ticks," every moment every single minute while in a silent atmosphere makes me think of time still goes by, even you are doing something or even nothing. Watch helps you watch the time, watch helps you lots of things. Watch helps you watch the furious of the rate of the time flow. So, do not underestimate the existence of analog watch ^^ (hmm...this is what i think using my brain...)

I got a story, perhaps next time, i will be here again...so tata~^^


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