La première impression dans le café

Sunday, August 22, 2010 at 1:35 AM
A gentle sip of
a mouthful of light clear dark boisson
Light & fresh fragrance, some kind like sweet vanilla
Feels lighter than water
smooth like a silk
a totally young flavor
Sweetness that suits me, not an ordinary sweet but a gracious tenderness to tongue
aroma of bean rolling around, like a young ballet dancer swaying around the globe
a little bitterness but last long not
a sense of aroma would hit till the very end of your every single hair

Let it till down the throat
a heavier aroma, like fragrance of cooked bean
bitterness on throat, nope
forehead getting warmer
a bit of leftover bitterness on tongue,
the desire for second sip
Again, second sensational ride for the next sip.

Americano with Hazelnut syrup

Thanks Jesyca with the recommended beverage ^^ finally I can taste it.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010 at 7:40 PM
最近比较忙,犹如失去了自己的时间与空间,不是忙功课,就是lab work。时间在飞逝,我还在原地,追赶不上那冲如风的矢,我犹如弓,毫无进展。

一路来常听音乐的我,最近也显得比较少接触它了。总觉得自己缺乏了什么东东,每天做着同样无聊的东西,毫无自我取进,就搜了‘搜狗’,找到了这专辑- 张学友的 《Private Corner 迷你音乐会》

我还蛮喜欢他,第一,他唱歌有个性,其二,我喜欢他唱 live。在那专辑里头,有我喜欢的两首歌,那两首歌也暂时填补了我心灵的空虚,就想在此与大家分享吧。^^

A long awaited movie.

Saturday, August 14, 2010 at 1:23 PM
I came across "It" when I was in young age
"It" left me the implicitness of what would be the story about
"It" kept reminding me about the movie poster
"It" indeed gave me a deep impression
"It" kept slipping from my mind & pop up again and again
I was searching "It" during the age of time
Finally I met "It" and "It" was...

"The Silence Of Lambs"
 The whole movie was nice if I were taken the first watch in 90's. I like Anthony Hopkins whom played Dr. Lecter, a sick psychiatrist also a cannibal who eats the intestine of his prey. Anyway, Im not bother about the profile he had, but in the movie I think he acted so well and was so attracted to his character. The interesting part is the way he pursued his escapes in a very slow pace from the hell-liked asylum (not because he can disguise to be victim but in a psychological way with the "help" from Jodie). Tending to control and manipulate Jodie's past and eventually traded the freedom for himself. Dr. Lecter was a calm, steady, sophisticated mastermind of the puzzle from his targeted prey, and a powerful analyser whom considers all posibilities of every humans behavior. This isnt a violence or blood sick movie, but just another way on how the lamb sneaks out from the farm without's the notice from the ranch.

Night Rain Sonata

Thursday, August 5, 2010 at 12:07 AM
Every time encounter rainy days
Especially heavy rains
Feel better than always
A shelter from the raindrops with the freezing wind
State of calm
A sense of silence only with the noise of raindrops hitting the thin metallic ceiling
Home is the shelter of mine


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