Seems that It will be my first time using madarin for blogging, ;)
这一天真是好玩啊,首先呢我们先去Gurney Plaza 然后肚子就觉得比较饿啦,一定要找一些实物来顶一顶嘛,那首先我们先买 Final Destination 3 的戏票,然后呢我们打算去餐馆迟一点嘛,哪知呢天真得我们嫌说要吃的东西太昂贵了,那我们其中一位同伴就想到一个“妙计”打算带我们到一间经济饭用餐,哪知可爱的我们在市场里团团转,搞倒不知如何去向,唉。。。最后还是回到餐馆用餐,唉。。。真是“跪系郎啦”。真没办法,只好一餐顶整天。今天我只能说是我们说看的戏真是令我感觉到它的非同凡响。看那部戏的同时真的是战战兢兢的,真的是难以用词来形容。看了之后感觉上真的是有点怪怪的,哈哈。。。真是有趣,所以为了避免交通拄塞那我们又到另一个超级市场去诳一诳。结果空手就归,真是一个很好玩的一天,但在这儿的时间不多啦,玩得痛快是应该的嘛。没东西好说啦,真是累呢,晚安。。呵呵^^
What a fun day^^
Wednesday, March 8, 2006
11:39 PM
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Arh...what a relief
Tuesday, March 7, 2006
12:48 AM
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Erm..."dvd writter" this word appears in my mind many times already and it causing me the headache to save my songs,anime,PVs,documents in my pc and it is getting less hardisk space. So one day, I've really made up my mind to build a new Dvd writter to my pc since that I got $$ now lolz...and with my friend's help so I could get a writer now. So i backup everything now, especially my lovely songs^^ and my other documents. And I also reformat my pc, so now my pc is not as slow as the previous one. Now i think im still having lack of hardisk space, but i think it will be easier with extra disk space to save your files in your pc. Erm...nothing to say much...just feel free to blog it only.^^ Good night...
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Haihz...a great day sad moment...
Saturday, March 4, 2006
12:44 AM
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Today was a fun day indeed, i joined my friends to school for some edu fair there and bought a new stuff and also went for a movie, Heirloom. A nice movie, so we were in love drive hehe. Then while i reached home, I realized that I wanted to drive car then, I didnt know why I got this feeling but I had the desire to drive the manual one. So just now i drove my manual car and so I just drove it, who knows i didnt practice manual car for quite a time, so i couldnt get used to it even though it is as simple as drinking water and besides that I'm already a passed driver for half a year already. Perhaps I'm really rarely drive manual car, so in a sudden i really couldnt get used to it really. So, while i was taking that car, many things happened and I also realized that many things that I must learned and also my dad taught me a lot, thanks dad^^. Honestly, I was quite upset while i was "lectured" by my dad for not following the correct way to accelerate the car but nevermind for now. So, I learnt many things just now and remember, "if you're not used to something that we rarely do/know, we'd better think first and take some time to get used to it before you test them" This is what I'm going to say now, so it is quite weird that why I'm saying that but honestly, making quick decision with a great deal with the correct situation and also yourself, maybe you will get a "doomsDay" for your own self only. So this is what im going to say now...Erm...ah...more relief now ^o^ but tomorrow must learn how to operate manual car with advanced skill hehe.^^ so tomorrow will be a busy day again. So good day^^
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