Tired= YES!!! finally...

Saturday, January 26, 2008 at 4:25 AM
Its been a harsh period throughout this year and the past year for me to get a website done. The website had been planned since last year August, but website progress hardly to be seen during last year due to the huge battle that im going to face. So i just procrastinate it till my exam was over, and till now the progress of the website can be seen in a faster speed though LOLz...

After a few week struggling to manage the website, Ive been to several shops and supermarket just to find the time that really suit my own time so that i can manage the website in most of the time. And now I managed to do that, as a promoter in supermarket again... and most of the time I do the website. Setup a website indeed not an easy job, not just to know the way to design it, also it needs the skill to read the web codes so you wont be NUTS when you misconduct something from the code or some error you come across while managing the webby.

And I did spend lots of time designing it and also researching to suit some Adobe softwares. But something did make me so glad that is, Adobe bought up Macromedia is a superb and brilliant idea as now both company can work out to make better software for designers and me LOLz... to make things go easier and faster and more efficient. ^^

Hmm..its been 4.21am now, and the latest ever I keep myself awake since today is the off day for me but it seems not even a rest day for me as I have to struggle hard for tomorrow's website launch moment. Now, im proud of it and also kinda steam now, also tired as well... but anyway hope all the webby will goes fine. Im sure i can take care of it. But hope someone will teach me manage website in a better way, (im noob in dreamweaver though >.<#)

I think after the website launching moment, i will release a huge burden, I carried it and quite anxious every moment when im in touch with those thingys... Now, just think everything will go fine then I should leave myself to a relax moment... ^^

anyway, hope everything goes very very fine, and also...speechless as Im so sleepy and drowsy now, good day then^^


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